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natural alternative for treating sports pains

When you play sports, you are bound to be stiff, sore and have to deal with injuries now and then. Are there natural ways to cure your aches and pains? Well, yes, there are! I found out that I was filling my body with chemicals that I could easily avoid by taking natural alternatives to the traditional pills that you purchase at the pharmacy. If you are interested in finding relief for your discomfort in a more natural way, visit my blog. Here, you will find tips and advice for curing your sports related aches without pumping yourself full of chemicals.


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natural alternative for treating sports pains

3 Reasons Distance Runners Should Be Seeing An Acupuncturist

by Irene Bradley

Distance running can be incredibly rewarding, but it is also hard on the body. As a distance runner, you soon learn that the better you take care of your body between runs, the better you perform and the faster you recover. Of course, eating well, sleeping, and stretching are part of any responsible runner's recovery routine. But you may also want to consider adding another therapy to your line-up: acupuncture. Here are three reasons why distance runners can benefit from seeing an acupuncturist on a regular basis.

It helps improve circulation.

Circulation is an important key to recovery from workouts. Getting good blood flow to your muscles and joints will help them heal faster. Acupuncture can help improve circulation. The needles can stimulate certain neural pathways related to inflammation, which will cause the swelling in any sore and tired muscles to dissipate. As that extra fluid moves back into circulation, blood will be better able to move through your veins and capillaries. The blood will bring oxygen and nutrients to your tissues, which will help them build back stronger.

It helps you rest.

Rest is so important for runners. It's when the body repairs muscles, generates more mitochondria and makes the other physical changes that cause you to get faster and more efficient as a runner. However, you may struggle to rest and sleep well if you are sore, over-tired, or stressed out. Acupuncture can help with all of this. It can help alleviate soreness so you can lie down and rest more peacefully. It can also help fight stress so you can better turn off your mind and get a more restful night's sleep. Some runners like to go straight home and take a nap after their acupuncture session. If you're been feeling fatigued or over-trained, this is a great idea.

It helps loosen tight muscles.

Muscular tightness after a run can be more than an annoyance. It can affect your stride and cause you to run in a way that increases your risk of injury. During an acupuncture session, the tiny needles inserted into your skin can affect neural impulses in a way that allows your muscles to relax and lengthen. As a result, you should feel looser and more limber, which will help you run with better form.

If you're a distance runner, adding acupuncture to your routine can be beneficial. Make an appointment at a local acupuncture clinic to experience it for yourself.
