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natural alternative for treating sports pains

When you play sports, you are bound to be stiff, sore and have to deal with injuries now and then. Are there natural ways to cure your aches and pains? Well, yes, there are! I found out that I was filling my body with chemicals that I could easily avoid by taking natural alternatives to the traditional pills that you purchase at the pharmacy. If you are interested in finding relief for your discomfort in a more natural way, visit my blog. Here, you will find tips and advice for curing your sports related aches without pumping yourself full of chemicals.


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natural alternative for treating sports pains

How Somatic Attachment Counseling Can Help You Care For Yourself

by Irene Bradley

Counseling can be beneficial for people who have experienced relational trauma. Somatic attachment counseling, in particular, may help people who primarily experience physical symptoms related to their trauma.

Here are four ways that somatic attachment therapy can help you care for yourself.

1. Gain a new understanding of trauma

Trauma is sometimes misunderstood. Some people think that trauma occurs only in extreme circumstances. However, even seemingly minor incidents can cause trauma when they occur at vulnerable times in a person's life. Furthermore, trauma is not just a single incident but your body's ongoing reaction to its experiences. Learning to see trauma through a new lens, such as the lens used during somatic attachment counseling, can help you better understand yourself. Understanding trauma as a disconnection between your mind and body, as well as yourself and others, can give you the right mindset to begin to heal.

2. Eliminate false beliefs that prevent you from forming healthy relationships

Trauma often keeps people from forming and retaining healthy relationships. You may have negative beliefs about yourself or others that you don't even realize you hold. Deep-seated fears about abandonment or being hurt can close you off from others. Somatic attachment counseling encourages people to find their deepest truths so they can get rid of negative false beliefs that no longer serve them.

3. Learn to treat the physical manifestations of trauma

Many people with trauma have experienced firsthand the way their bodies can express their discomfort. A feeling of pressure on your chest, tension in your jaw, and an inability to relax are all ways that your body can express a state of hyperarousal. Unfortunately, simply changing the way you think won't necessarily address your body's physical reactions and cellular memory of trauma.

Somatic attachment counseling seeks to involve your whole body in the healing process. By noticing and honoring your body's reactions, you can learn what your body is trying to tell you. Furthermore, breathing techniques to soothe and calm your body can help you find relief from the uncomfortable physical feelings of trauma and anxiety.

4. Experience fewer psychological symptoms of trauma

People who suffer from the ongoing effects of trauma may struggle with negative thought patterns. Depression and feelings of unworthiness are common symptoms of trauma. As you treat your attachment trauma through somatic attachment counseling, you should find that you experience fewer psychological symptoms. Without consciously striving to change your thoughts, you may notice that your thoughts automatically become kinder and calmer over time.
