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natural alternative for treating sports pains

When you play sports, you are bound to be stiff, sore and have to deal with injuries now and then. Are there natural ways to cure your aches and pains? Well, yes, there are! I found out that I was filling my body with chemicals that I could easily avoid by taking natural alternatives to the traditional pills that you purchase at the pharmacy. If you are interested in finding relief for your discomfort in a more natural way, visit my blog. Here, you will find tips and advice for curing your sports related aches without pumping yourself full of chemicals.


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natural alternative for treating sports pains

Exercises That You Can Perform With A Power Tower

by Irene Bradley

Free weights are essential if you're buying a selection of bodybuilding equipment to set up a home gym, but you'll also want to turn to some larger pieces of equipment to give the space a professional look. One piece of gear that you can buy from virtually any fitness retailer is a power tower — a large, metal frame that you'll likely set up against one of the walls in your home gym. A power tower is a useful piece of equipment to own because it serves as the foundation for a number of exercises. Here are three exercises that you can perform with this device.


When it comes to exercises that work your upper body's muscles, there are few that pose more of a challenge than pull-ups. As you improve your strength, you'll be able to test yourself to see how many pull-ups you can perform in a row. Many people use their power towers for this exercise. Generally, this piece of equipment has a set of handles mounted overhead that you can grab in different ways for pull-ups. For example, a pull-up with your hands spread wide apart offers a different challenge than one in which you keep your hands closer together.

Triceps Dips

You can work your triceps muscles in a number of ways, including through push-up variations and with dumbbells. When you have a power tower, however, you're able to perform triceps dips — a demanding exercise that uses your own body's weight as a form of resistance. Power towers are equipped with horizontal handles that you hang onto as you bend and straighten your arms to raise and lower your body. Some fitness enthusiasts increase the challenge of this exercise by wearing a weighted vest or holding a weight plate between their thighs while they perform triceps dips.

Leg Raises

Leg raises are another exercise that you'll be able to perform with your power tower. A pair of padded arms positioned about halfway up the power tower will allow you to elevate your body off the ground and support yourself by resting your forearms on the pads. You can then lift your legs in a number of ways — for example, some people enjoy the challenge of keeping their legs straight and bending at the hips until their body is shaped like the letter "L." You can also bend your legs and pull your knees toward your chest.

For more information on how to use bodybuilding equipment, reach out to a local fitness center.
